
Our address is:

2, Boulevard d’Italie
98000 MONACO

GPS coordinates: Latitude : 43.745618 ; Longitude : 7.429851

Nearest bus stop: Place des Moulins (Lines 1 and 4)

Nearest public car parks:

  • Parking des Moulins (less than 100 metres away) ;
  • Parking Saint Laurent (350 metres away, about 5 minutes on foot)
  • Parking Grimaldi Forum (about 500 metres away, 8 minutes on foot using the public lift in Avenue Princesse Grace)


You can contact us:

  • by telephone: 00377.
  • by telefax: 00377.
  • by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Google Maps MAP or «Static» MAP (PDF):


Office entrance (Google street view) :